Novolax 5Mg Untuk Apa
Novolax 5Mg Untuk Apa. 5 mg once daily (naspghan/espghan tabbers 2014). Bisacodyl is used to treat constipation. Lebih kurang 6 bulan saya bergantung kepada ubat novolax tablet 5mg (bisacodyl) kerana sembelit akibat depression. Saya wanita berumur 20 tahun.
Bisacodyl belongs to a group of medicines known as stimulant laxatives. It may also be used to clean out the intestines before a bowel examination/surgery. Saya wanita berumur 20 tahun.
Beli obar pencahar / obat bab / novolax laxative 5mg terbaru di shopee.
Take one or two 5 mg tablets with a drink of water (do not take with milk). Bisacodyl is used to treat constipation. Novolax is a tablet used for bowel emptying. Lebih kurang 6 bulan saya bergantung kepada ubat novolax tablet 5mg (bisacodyl) kerana sembelit akibat depression.